“Home Management (Part One)”

(Key Text – Matthew 6:33)

Family as a Team

  • The Bible teaches us to live together in harmony (Philippians 2:2).
  • As a team, you must learn to distinguish between your wants and your needs.
  • It is a good idea to set up a “Family Night” at a specific time once every week.  This is an ideal opportunity for the whole family to participate, e.g. make family decisions, settle grievances or just have fun (Family Parties, Tell Stories, Exercise Together etc.).
  • The emphasizing of positive attitudes goes a long way toward improving the effectiveness of Family Living.

Turning a House into a Home

  • When you move into a new home, the first thing you should do is dedicate it to God.
  • A home must be a place where you can find peace, warmth and excitement.
  • You cannot live comfortably in your home; no matter how attractive it looks, if you exceed your budget.
  • You must learn to live with the money, time and talent you have available to you today.

Raising Children

  • Teach children by example.  Children do what you do, not what you say.
  • No one will take the time to train your child the way you can (Proverbs 22:6).
  • Habits form Character.  Therefore, parents must start early to build good habits in their children.  For example, when spills occur … let your child clean up his own mess.
  • The time for systematic (day to day) training is before children leave home.
  • The greatest gift you can give your child is a feeling of self-worth and self-confidence.

Quality Living

  • God has made us Stewards of Time, Talents and Resources (1Corinthians 4:1-2).
  • Time seems to be the one thing most families have little of.  Time Management can help families get more things done in less time.
  • By keeping God first in our families, other things fall into place (Matthew 6:33; 2Corinthians 3:5; Colossians 2:10; Proverbs 16:3).
  • If you want to become better organized, you must picture yourself as an organized person.  You must think about the things you want to experience (Proverbs 23:7).
  • Whatever thoughts you put in your subconscious mind determine what you become.  However, it must be remembered that the subconscious mind does not recognize good or bad any more than the soil recognizes the difference in the seed planted.

Time Management

  • Everyone has 24 hours a day to become what he/she should become.  Time is Life!
  • Principles of Time Management:
  1. Set Priorities (“I-time”; “Couple-time”; “Children-time”)
  2. List Goals (e.g. Career, Education, Family, Spiritual and Physical Well-being)
  3. List Steps for Goal Achievement (small steps vs. big steps)
  4. Plan (“To Do List” for each day)
  5. Live in the Present (“Here and Now”)
  6. Concentrate on one thing at a time (Finish Top Priority first)
  7. Be Flexible (review Goals from time to time)
  8. Consult God often (Prayer and Bible Study)
  9. Learn to say “No”!  (Be selective in accepting invitations or commitments)
  10. Maintain Professional Attitude (Every minute counts)


  • Masses of Paper cluttering your home and office fall into three categories:
  1. Something to be discarded
  2. Something that requires a response
  3. Something with information you need to keep in a file

Work Plans

  • In order to answer the question: “When do you do what?” … you need to set up a Work Plan or Time Schedule.
  • You must rank jobs in order of their importance and urgency.  Do first things first!



Presented by:   A. Ndlebe                                                                                            Date: 03 March 2012