“Home Management (Part Two)”

(Key Text – Matthew 6:33)

Managing Finances

  • Most divorces can be traced to clashes over finances.
  • Managing Finances in a marriage requires getting priorities straight (Matthew 6:24, 33).
  • Wants” must not be confused with “Needs”.  The Basic “Needs” are food, shelter, clothes and transport.
  • Returning a Faithful Tithe sets the tone for keeping priorities straight (Proverbs 3:9).
  • If you cannot manage a small income, then you cannot manage a large one.
  • An allowance gives children money to manage for their needs and money to spend for their wants.
  • Money is a practical tool to be used in daily living. Learning to use it wisely can help insure a lasting marriage and help your children become Good Managers.


Financial Success

  • Financial Success depends on what you do with what you make.  This requires a change in attitude.
  • The easiest way to stretch your money is to hang on to it as long as you can.
  • Before buying anything, ask yourself the following five questions:
  1. Do I really need it or can I get along without it?
  2. How often will I use it?
  3. How durable is it?
  4. How much care (maintenance) does it require?
  5. Can I choose something else that will serve the same purpose?


  • There are five basic rules for Smart Shopping:
  1. Never expect to buy something for nothing.
  2. Be an informed shopper – read labels, warranties, guarantees and compare prices.
  3. Never go shopping anywhere without a shopping list.
  4. Take advantage of clearance sales e.g. after winter and the days after Christmas.
  5. Buy in bulk if the price is lower and you can use that quantity.


  • Avoid the five major Money Pitfalls (Hebrews 13:5):
  1. Impulse Spending
  2. Excessive Credit Buying
  3. Insufficient Savings
  4. Living on the Wrong Income Level
  5. Depending too much on the Second Income or Overtime


  • Many times Christmas pushes over the cliff families who are tottering on the brink of bankruptcyChristmas Spending must be made within the limits of money you can afford.
  • A marriage motivated by an attitude of Thriftiness will have few troubles with finances.

Food Budget

  • Make your Shopping List based on Planned Menus.
  • Avoid Impulse Buying and never shop for groceries when you are hungry!
  • Check Prices and Ingredients carefully.
  • Ingredients are listed in order of Volume in the Product.  For example, if sugar is listed first … then it means there is more sugar than other ingredients in the product.
  • With regard to Food Storage, “store what you eat and eat what you store”.
  • Avoid foods that cost too much money but give you little nutrition.  For example, refuse to buy all cereals high in sugar and low in food value.


  • Nutrition must be given top priority, regardless of how healthy you are.
  • With regard to vegetables, the following is a reliable Rule of Thumb:
  1. Fresh
  2. Frozen
  3. Canned (least desirable)


  • The following are some general guidelines for improving eating habits: Eat more Whole Grains, Fresh Vegetables, Legumes and FruitsCut down on Meat, Sugar, Salt and Refined Foods.
  • The usable protein in food depends on the presence of Amino Acids.  If all eight of the essential Amino Acids are present, the food is a complete protein.
  • Protein in Grains is not complete, but with the combining of different vegetable proteins (such as Legumes, Nuts or Seeds), the usability of incomplete proteins can be improved.
  • What Good Nutrition really boils down to is getting back to basics: Eating a well balanced diet.  Moderation is the key!


Presented by:   A. Ndlebe                                                                                            Date: 26 May 2012