Marriage Tips (Part One)

Love At First Sight

  • Love at First Sight” is a physical and emotional impossibility!
  • Love is much more than a Romantic Feeling, Sexual Attraction, Thrill of the Chase or a Desire to Marry Someone … These are all responses that can happen at “first sight” and they can lead to the real thing in time, but those feelings are usually temporary.
  • The primary difference between Romantic Excitement and Real Love is where the emphasis lies.  Infatuation tends to be about you and not the other person (e.g. “I can’t believe what is happening to me”; “This is the most fantastic thing I have ever experienced”).
  • On the other hand, Genuine Love is an expression of the deepest appreciation for another human being.  It is an awareness of his/her needs, strengths and character.  It shares the longings, hopes and dreams of that other person.
  • Therefore, you can’t fall in love with an unknown object, regardless of how pretty, handsome or sexy it is … It takes time!

Courtship vs. Dating

  • Courtship is reserved only for young couples who are spiritually and financially ready for marriage.  Therefore, this effectively means that there should be no courtship or dating during High School and perhaps University Years.
  • There are five critical areas of personal development that must be demonstrated before courtship starts:
  1. Spiritual Depth
  2. Strong Biblical Character
  3. Financial Responsibility
  4. Sexual and Emotional Purity
  5. Ability to lead a Simple and Practical Life

Touching and Sexuality

  • All of us require touch.  However, touching must not be equated with sexuality.
  • No one, married or single, should go for days without a friendly touch.

Marriage Vows

  • Being faithful to a person is a positive way of life.  It means much more than just not doing something.
  • Faithfulness means getting to know your Loved One better … “to love and to cherish”.
  • Neglect, Criticism and Unconcern for your Partner are acts of unfaithfulness.

Presented by:   A. Ndlebe                                                                            Date:     09 July 2011