“Will Marriage Work in Today’s World?”

(Key Text – Proverbs 19:14)



  • The Marriage Institution is in trouble!  Over half of all marriages end in divorce or miserable unhappiness.
  • However, as long as the Holy Spirit continues to work in this dark world, there will still be happy and faithful marriages (Romans 5:20).

Marriage and Adultery

  • The love of One Man for One Woman only is pure, holy and natural (Song of Solomon 6:8-9).
  • Adultery, i.e. sex without love, is neither natural nor easy for a Christian.  It is actually a form of Spiritual Suicide!  Is suicide ever easy for a sane, healthy, normal and happy Human Being?
  • Marriage is the acceptance of your Spouse as a Gift from God (John 3:27).  Therefore, Sex is a Gift from God (Genesis 2:22; Genesis 1:28).
  • Fornication or Adultery is actually trying to steal from God!  Some of the fruits of “Stealing from God” include guilt, shame, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, impotence etc.

Good News about Marriage

  • The teachings of the Bible provide unbelievable happiness in marriage (Hebrews 13:4; Ephesians 5:25-29; Proverbs 5:3-4; Proverbs 6:27-29; Genesis 41:45; 2Samuel 12:24; 1John 4:19-20).

How to Choose a Life Partner

  • People show better judgement in selecting a car/dress than a wife/husband!
  • Here are Seven Principles in Choosing a Partner, based on the happiest marriage recorded in the Bible (i.e. Isaac and Rebecca):


  1. Marry a Believer (Genesis 24:3; 2Corinthians 6:14-17)
  2. The Lord will send an Angel before You (Genesis 24:7, 40)
  3. Look for Courtesy and Kindness (Genesis 24:10-14)
  4. Purity before Marriage – God’s Plan (Genesis 24:15-16; Luke 1:34; Acts 21:9)
  5. Don’t get in a Hurry (Genesis 24:21)
  6. Peace with your In-Laws when the Lord leads (Genesis 24:50-51, 57-58)
  7. Love: the fruit of letting the Lord lead you! (Genesis 24:67)


  • Will Marriage work in Today’s World?  Yes!

Presented by: A. Ndlebe                                                                                                 Date: 16 July 2011